Thursday, January 20, 2011


Almost to the end of week one. Phew it has been hard but I am getting there. Every time I go for a walk in the morning and I think of slowing down I just keep reminding myself that "you are fat, keep walking". I can just imagine seeing me walking on the side of the road talking to myself but I have to do it or I wouldn't stay motivated. I need to make up some kind of inspiration board or at least set some kind of goals for myself that I can achieve.

Amy (my Zumba instructor) commented that it looked like I am doing the most exercise currently so I will definately keep at it. The only reason why I started Zumba was because I needed to lose weight and I was carrying so much fluid in my legs from lack of exercise and water. I was barely drinking any water at all let alone 8 glasses. So I am totally and utterly motivated and committed to lose at least 1kg a week so that would mean that I need to lose 12kgs. Is it possible...?? Don't know. I guess we will see. If I build muscle (which weighs more than fat) than it may be a little out of reach. Will see.

Hello to Michelle my only follower. If you start your weightloss/fitness blog let me know and I will read about your journey. It is always fun.



  1. Hi Tracey, I am a follower of your blog and love your work! I too have battled with my weight for all my life and believe me, that has been for a lot longer than you have been LOL! I am once again trying to lose weight - it seems to get harder as I get older! I will follow your blog here with interest and know that you will do very well as you are very committed! All the best!

  2. HI Tracey

    I have got my new blog up and running.
    You can check it out here.

    Michelle :-)
